When can I buy?
The public sale is scheduled to take place on 30th September at 11am Pacific Standard Time (PST).
What is the total supply?
A total of 2000 units of DeFrame will be available in this round of public sale.
Price & Payment Method
The retail price for each DeFrame starts from US$499. We only accept USDC token to process orders in this round of public sale. Please be aware that the public sale will take place on the Solana blockchain.
Public Sale Schedule
30 Sep 11am PST - 1 Oct 11am PST.
DeFrame whitelist-holders only. Each wallet can buy up to 2 units of DeFrame of any colour choices in 1 transaction.
1 Oct 12pm PST - until sold out.
DeFrame whitelist-holders only. If there are any outstanding DeFrame, each wallet can buy unlimited units of DeFrame of any colour choices until sold out.
Purchase Procedure
1. pay the total amount of your order in USDC from your wallet to DeFrame store
2. transfer the WL token from your wallet to DeFrame store
3. receive a receipt NFT of your order
Product Certificate NFT and Warranty
Once you've successfully purchased a DeFrame, you'll be able to redeem its corresponding product certificate NFT registering your ownership on the Solana blockchain. The product certificate NFT will be required to activate your DeFrame hardware product.
Each DeFrame comes with an 1-year limited warranty. Please refer to terms & conditions for additional information.
Do you ship to my country?
We are working with a global shipping partner, so we will be able to ship to most countries. Visit supported regions for more details.
Please note that import tariffs and customs regulations vary around the world. We recommend that you consult your local experts with any questions.
When will I receive my DeFrame?
Our manufacturing unit will initiate production once the public sale completed. The manufacturing lead time will be around 45 days. A series of quality assurance tests will be carried out to obtain the necessary documents for custom clearance.
We estimate that this batch of product will be shipped early December.
Meanwhile, buyer will be granted exclusive access to a discord channel and order status dashboard to receive regular production and shipping updates.
Which blockchains does DeFrame support?
Solana and Ethereum. However, as we are a strong believer of a multi-chain world, we plan to integrate with additional EVM-compatible blockchains in the near future.